Its not bad, but theres nothing really interesting about it. What I really wanted to say was I hope you make an Ultimate Lepard Simulator. It would be awesome if you could hunt and grab the animals by the neck and hold it until it dies, and you have to drag it to a tree and eat it up a tree, or lions and hyenas might come and try to take the food from you. I think the game should start out with you as a young adult, so you can go with your mom hunting and watch, but you can also play with your siblings. And once you grow up,you need to leave and find a territory for yourself (it should be like looking for a territory in real life). And I think that the game shouldnt be that you have babies if theres an open slaught; it should be where you find a mate and you become pregnant (if youre a female) and you stay pregnant for a day or something. Then you can have 1 pup or up to 6 pups. And you have to protect them in a den and they cant leave the den until they get to a certain age. And when theyre younger, you have to hunt for yourself and feed them with your own milk. Then when they get old enough for meat, you have to bring the food back to them. Also, I think the babies should be able to call, and if you hear the baby calling, it means theyre hungry, or theyre in trouble. So you can save them and everything. And once theyre old enough, you can take them hunting with you and they watch you hunt until they learn it themselves and you can send them to try hunting on their own. And theyll probably fail a lot the first couple of times. And the babies can die if you dont take care of them or if another animal tries to eat them while youre away hunting. I also think that the hunting should be REALLY realistic. Like, you have to stalk the animals like they do in real life or theyll see you coming and they run away. And once you try to pounce on them, you can click anywhere on the animal and grab that area and hold onto it. Like, you can click on the neck and you have to hold onto it until they die. I think that would make the game much more enjoyable. Plus, the baby thing would make the game much more realistic and make you feel like you have a purpose in the game. And once the babies grow up and they can leave you, you can possibly see them when youre walking around and you can tell because of their scent (and possibly their unique markings) because theyre should be a button that shows you weather the other animal is a lion, hyena, or another Lepard youve never seen before. Or it could be your child. And you could just keep having children until you get too old. And then you can sniff around and try to find one of your siblings territory and you could possibly live with them and hunt with them and possibly help them raise theyre kids until you arent capable enough and you could possibly die. Then, you can start the game again as a young adult. But if you do die, you dont become old within 5 hours. You should be able to play the game for a month or two before you die. Thanks for reading and Im really sorry that this was so long. I just think this would be an amazing game. And Ive always wanted to live the life of a Lepard. If someone agrees with me, PLEASE say so! I dont want to feel like Im the only one that thinks this should be a game. Bye and keep up the good work!!!
Jess2379 about Panther Simulator