Hello there you wonderful person you :3 May have read some of my past comments but anyways here are some umm things about this collectable beauty...
1.my house is literally trying to do the matrix for me I cant ever get up there so it leaves my Panther with lack of sleep
2.i cant hunt anything im to weak and hungry to actually attack anything so I had to eat frogs and I think fish to get by
3. I AM THE NIGHT :3 im to dark to see so its like super hard to hunt at night
4. This is the first game were I cant get the special power :( the tree thing really did it for me it was way hard and stuff so I got frustrated and quit :( other than that its a wonderful game anyways sorry for wasting anyones time I know your not here for complaints but for things to actually make things better so keep up the work u amazing persons :3
Jorda3533 about Panther Simulator